About me

Hey there! Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I'm Milad Ahmad, a web wizard who loves transforming cool ideas into awesome online adventures. Believe it or not, I'm just 22 and already rocking it in the world of web tech. Let's dive into the digital fun together! 🚀


My adventure in the digital world started when I got super curious about how the internet does its thing. I started playing around with coding when I was pretty young, and my love for making cool-looking and super useful websites pushed me to jump into the world of web design and development as a career.


As someone who's been doing website design and development for a while, I've been lucky to team up with clients from all over the world. Whether it's the busy streets of Tokyo or the lively markets of Marrakech, my portfolio is like a mixtape of different places. It shows how I can adapt and get what's going on in different cultures.

A World of Websites

Creating websites is not just a job for me; it's a canvas for innovation. I specialize in crafting various types of websites, with a particular flair for e-commerce platforms. My creations range from sleek personal blogs to comprehensive online marketplaces, each tailored to meet the unique goals and visions of my clients.

Coding Magic

Coding is my superpower. With a deep understanding of both front-end and back-end programming, I'm adept at weaving intricate code spells that bring websites to life. From the seamless user interfaces that captivate visitors to the robust back-end systems that power functionality, I'm your go-to programmer.

Node js